These are the verses that motivate me to work so hard and focus on Christ. It is not just a nonchalant thing to be devoted to Christ, it takes commitment and passion and love. Right before this in verse 33 Jesus says, “And since you don’t know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert!”
Are we ready? Do we continually work to learn more so we can live like Christ? It’s not about the rules it’s about the love that Jesus showed and His ability to deal with situations. We are called to be like Christ and that my friends, takes work, because we are constantly bomb-barded by the world trying to keep our focus on it. When we surrender to His will we can grow to understand about all the temptations and trials that we as believers will go through. It is so easy for us to get caught up in the pleasures of this world. When we are filling ourselves with God’s word asking and seeking answers we will get them. Then when we are faithful with those answers we will be given more. This is so exciting when you believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior because it is not a one statement walk, it is an on going relationship. Relationship means: “A state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings.” Think of any relationship you have ever been in, when it was new you constantly were working to grow it or make it better. It’s the same when we accept Jesus. We need to work to make it better. As soon as that happens satan will work to make it stagnant and if we are not willing to be ready or stay alert we don’t really have a relationship we have a belief. The demons believed in Jesus but they didn’t belong to Jesus. We need to make sure we are not sleeping but actually growing to show love for God in all situations and be thankful that Jesus died for us so we can have eternal life. I love when Jesus tells His disciples what they will go through as followers.
In Mark chapter 13 verse 9 He says, “When these things begin to happen, watch out! You will be handed over to the local councils and beaten in the synagogues. You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are my followers. But this will be your opportunity to tell them about Me.”
We are so lucky to know Him, are we excited to tell everyone about Him? Never stop learning and growing to know all about Him because we are not called just to know Him we are called to be like Him. Amen