This really made me think about how important it is for us to live holy and set apart from the world. We must not imitate this way of life. How are we with doing things that are pleasing to this world or our flesh? It is hard for us to not do what our flesh wants but we need to live for Christ and how He showed us to live because it is what God desires.
In Matthew 26:39 it says, “…My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from Me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
This is for us to follow, when we feel like we just have to do something or have something stop and think, your will be done not mine. I am confident that God’s will for us is to learn to live as Jesus did, loving God first and then our neighbor. With that said He followed everything God wanted. Devote to learning God’s word and you will grow to be like Christ aiming at the mark and working your hardest to be Christ like. Amen