The amazing thing about this is that John never sugar coated the message or made it appealing to people. He challenged with the truth and told them what God wanted them to hear. When people didn’t like what he was teaching he stayed bold and true to his calling. He didn’t dress for success or put on a show to get people to come hear him, he shared with people what they needed to know and what they needed to do and that’s what made people seek what he said.
In chapter 3 verses 4-5 it says, “John’s clothes were woven from coarse camel hair, and he wore a leather belt around his waist. For food he ate locust and wild honey. People from Jerusalem and from all of Judea and all over the Jordan Valley went out to see and hear John.” People were curious because it was the truth, not a beautiful packaged message. He also challenged the ones that thought they knew it all by calling them “brood of snakes! And then asking who warned you of God’s coming wrath..?”
It is so important that we learn the truth and we share the truth with boldness and love. God will make it grow and people’s hearts will change when they are challenged that the narrow road is not the easy safe road but the road that takes effort, responsibility and surrender. Amen