How many things in our lives come before God? Do we spend our days making our schedule around what we think is important or what is pleasing to us? There is so much stuff to interfere with our time with God that we easily put Him to the side until we really need something, when actually we need Him everyday. Our lives should revolve around Him not the world.
In Job 28:28 it says, “And this is what he says to all humanity: ‘The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.”
When we fill ourselves with God’s word and prayer we really see the importance of living for Him and actually work on obeying Him.
The rest of Jeremiah 3:2 says, “…You sit like a prostitute beside the road waiting for a customer. You sit alone like a nomad in the desert. You have polluted the land with your prostitution and your wickedness.”
This makes me think of how many times I can excuse my worldly behavior and do things that make me happy without thinking of anyone else. If we are called to be different and die to self then we need to continually fill ourselves with wisdom from the Lord and work on learning and living as Christ did.
Jeremiah 3:3 says, “That’s why even the spring rains have failed. For you are a brazen prostitute and completely shameless.”
Do our problems feel too big sometimes like nothing is ever going right? We need to ask ourselves do I believe in Christ or have I accepted Christ. To me there is a big difference. God loves us so much He sent His only Son to take our sins, do we really believe that and want to surrender our lives to Him? Or do we just act like it by saying we believe?
In Jeremiah 3:4-5 it says, “Yet you say to me, ‘Father, you have been my guide since my youth. Surely you won’t be angry forever. Surely you can forget about it! So you talk, but you keep on doing all the evil you can.”
We need to stop talking and start walking. We need to not just believe but accept what Christ has done and have the reverent fear that makes us want to repent and confess Jesus is Lord. And then truly change our ways by opening our hearts and living by the Spirit that lives in us as fully devoted followers of Christ. Amen