After looking at this I feel we need to concentrate on reaching everyone with the Good News of Jesus Christ, helping then see how a changed heart is needed because everyone is to be a disciple. Pastor Greg Ogden gave his definition of what making disciples looks like by saying, “Discipleship is an intentional relationship in which we walk along side others in order to encourage, equip, and challenge one another in love to grow toward maturity in Christ.”
To me that is sharing and working with or “watering” people to continually grow in their Christian walk. It doesn’t just mean to get them in the doors and hope they want to change. We need to make sure we are working with them and challenging them to grow and live as new creations because that’s what we are.
The next part is to “teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you…” We need not worry about self help and different topics that are not truth from God’s word. We must passionately teach who Christ is and how we can live a life that resembles His example. It can’t be fluff, it must be truth and it must be continually taught. It seems that was the main focus when we read the books of the teachings from the New Testament. We know His commands by knowing Him, and we know Him by having a relationship with Him and we have a relationship with Him by spending time with Him. We must remember Jesus took the law and made it more challenging; He wants us to be that much better and not coast in our teaching.
That challenge brings me to the parable of the three servants. In Matthew chapter 25 verses 16-18 we learn, “The servant who received the five bags of silver began to invest the money and earned five more. The servant with two bags of silver also went to work and earned two more. But the servant who received one bag of silver dug a hole in the ground and hid the master’s money.”
When we teach, we teach with love but we don’t bury the truth to get people in the seats, we work hard to invest in people and teach them all that Jesus commands. Even when it might make people upset and leave, we should never worry about what people think just what God thinks. When we understand that our teaching does not have to come from our strength we understand what Jesus is saying at the end of the great commission, “…And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Maturing people is our job and we can’t take it lightly. When we do we create a hole and people get in it and are comfortable. We are called to action and to invest and teach truth and do it in love. In the dictionary disciple means, student or follower of some doctrine or teacher. How important is our job to make sure we take it seriously and never hold back. When we give people truth and application, the cutting of their hearts start and they are open to change. We don’t have to worry about their choice, that is God’s job, but when we exhaust all efforts to invest in their lives and build relationships we can hear what Jesus said in Matthew 25 verse 29. “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance…” We can’t be like the last servant and sit on the silver, we need to work hard to love God so much that we lay it on the line daily and then love people enough to pour into them the truth without wavering or worrying about the numbers, because God will add the numbers. Amen