This is so amazing God is telling Joshua to be strong and courageous and that He will be with Him wherever he goes. This is so true for us as well, when we fill ourselves with God’s wisdom by reading His word continually, I like to say diligently, we are full of the peace and strength we need to get through life. “Do not be afraid or discouraged” you will know what to do because your heart is full and the Spirit guides you in your heart. It takes you truly understanding that your life is not your own and that just as Jesus sacrificed self to do God’s will we are called to do the same. We are not called to live the way we want and then plug God in whenever we need a fix. We are called to love God and live a way that is honoring to Him.
Deuteronomy 30:16 says, “For I command you this day to love the Lord your God and keep His commands, decrees, and regulations by walking in His ways…”
It doesn’t say walk in your way and make sure you fill yourself with all the desires of your own heart; money, power and sex then you will live a long life. What is keeping you back from fully devoting yourself to follow Jesus? I think it is our selfishness, we think we are going to miss out on life. Jesus said He is the way, the truth and the life, so that is the only thing that will truly make us free. Die to self, take up your cross and be a warrior for Christ. Amen