This is easy to read and easy to say but not easy to do. When we are living in love, nothing keeps us from wanting to work and shine so people see the light of Christ in us. We don’t have to be everyone’s friend but we need to show them the love that comes from God because we never know when that person’s heart will change and open to the truth. When I read these verses and it says, “Love is not irritable, and keeps no record of being wronged” that is the most difficult to grasp and live out. People are irritating and will more than likely do us wrong but we must remember that our reaction can make a huge difference in them.
In Matthew chapter 18 verses 21-22 we see Jesus talking to Peter and sharing this, “Then Peter came to Him and asked. ‘Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?’ No, not seven times, Jesus replied, but seventy times seven!” How do we do that? We die to self and live through the Holy Spirit who will teach and guide us to all truths. And because God is love, love is a major truth that we need to understand. Verse 7 says, “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” Every circumstance means just what it says. It’s not just the good ones, it’s also when people in the church seem undesirable that we need to learn to love even more and act just like Jesus.
Our walk is a constant development and work, but it is amazing when we see change around us. When I think of all the times God could say, “Keith why” or “how many times are you going to do that” but He just shows me more love and shows me more ways to do things that will help me grow. We won’t have all the people in the world like us or even treat us right but our focus is always on God and treating people with love.
Everything God shows us in His word that transforms our lives is hard if we try and do them on our own but when we surrender and let the Holy Spirit lead us all things become easy because it is God’s will. Pray for the strength and the ability to, even when we want to fight really loving people, we let the Spirit live through us and really love with the love that doesn’t come by just our words but our action as well. Amen