It really made me think how important it is for us to always be studying God’s word so we can learn and act like Christ. When we can become fully devoted followers of Christ we will forget our selfish ways and live our life loving God and people. We will be aware of things around us and we won’t be so consumed with what we desire. The best part of this is that Jesus died for us so we can accept Him and work hard to turn from our ways to enjoy eternal life forever with Him. And as David says, “…I will go to him one day…” The children are there when they die, are we going to get on the narrow road that leads to life or are we going to hang on to our worldly things that lead to death?
Jesus says in Mark chapter 13 verse 33 “And since you don’t know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert!”
Let’s be the one’s that find it, always be ready to ask, seek and knock. Amen