When we understand this our entire outlook will change and we will work to be like Christ. Our focus comes off wanting everything to please ourselves and we see others and want them to know Christ. The heart transformation is what drives us to look and live outwardly knowing that our purpose is to serve the Lord and be a light to people.
Verse 17 says, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
When we belong to something we are committed to it and we do everything we can to share and let people know about it. That’s how it is with our walk with Jesus Christ; after we believe we must seek to mature and belong so we live our lives because we love Him and are thankful for what He did. It is so easy to believe and not be transformed to that new creation. When this happens we start doing things because we think we have to, such as, we should go to church or we should serve, or we should tithe, but it’s not done because we love our new lives it’s done out of obligation.
When we accept Jesus and realize without Him there is no eternal life and that He has given us a chance to be new and glorify God with our lives that will help us belong. And when we belong we joyfully do everything that God has put in our hearts. We read God’s word to transform, we serve because we want to help people know Jesus, we give because it is God’s money and it will be used to help the Kingdom grow. Our entire outlook changes and we see God in the center of our lives not an addition to our lives.
Think of this question: What are you committed to? If it’s everything in our lives and God is just fit in we need to ask Him to help us belong so our commitment changes and our focus is on Him. In chapter 5 verse 9 Paul says, “So whether we are here in this body or away from this body, our goal is to please Him.” Amen