“You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done.”
Can we get here and live with that awe of what He has done? I am excited that I get to serve the Lord and teach how He can make us grow. Transformation is real to me, and it can be for you if you let go of your desires to follow Him. I went from a fearful person who needed acceptance and needed people to like me to a person that only cared what God thinks. In my early days nothing meant anything but my happiness, I lived for my pleasure and didn’t care about God. I kicked the Christian clubs out of the gym when I was a teacher. Had them removed by the assistant principle and believed the lie of separation of church and state. To leading that same Christian group and sharing with student about the Bible. When you are thrilled with the Lord you will find ways to get things done for Him. I read my Bible at school and left it on my desk opened so when the students can in to talk, my Bible was there, and I shared when they asked me what I was doing. As long as they asked you could talk all day long and answer their questions. I couldn’t stop reading and sharing and God moved me out of teaching to be a pastor.
All I did was let that excitement help me live for Him and He has moved me to 4 different churches as adult Pastor, associate Pastor, executive Pastor, and now lead Pastor. All I desire is that people believe that Jesus is real and will make a difference when we surrender ourselves for Him. This takes us constantly needing Him. When we struggle, we keep seeking Him. It means that reading His word for transformation is key and praying is a must. We start to see that faith in Jesus is the only thing that can comfort us in this world and that He want us to be bold and courageous always, when it’s easy and tough. We need to remember He is truth and love. Truth that will set us free from ourselves, and love that will make us obedient to Him. Not a love that keeps us looking at ourselves. Remember to have this verse ready all the time, “you thrill me Lord, with all you have done for me…!” Amen